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Taoism & 

Photo by Laurie Blouin

An Introduction to the Intersection

of Taoism and Shamanism

There are more paths to Spirit than there are stars in the sky

with Tony Allicino & Dominic Vine of the Owls
2024—Date TBD
Workshop Fee: $500 all inclusive

In this experiential workshop you will be introduced to the practices of Taoism and Shamanism and learn how these two ancient spiritual practices intersect, blend, complement, and inform each other’s core energy healing principles.

You will learn internal and external Taoist practices through guided meditations and body movements. Principles based in five-element theory will help you develop an energetic language to interact with the forces of nature and develop emotional intelligence.


We will use the classic Shamanic Journey, with drums, rattles, and movement, to be introduced to Spirit Guides and Power Animals, guiding an expansion of consciousness and interconnectedness that nourishes and fosters a harmonious and balanced life.


Experience in Shamanism and Taoism are not required for this workshop. Those who have a taste for the spiritual realm and want to develop their relationship with subtle energies to develop peace and wisdom will benefit through these practices. Though much of the practice is static, there will be regular body movement that is not strenuous.

About Tony Allicino

Tony Allicino, student and practitioner of Shamanism since 1997, has studied with Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, Tom Cowan, Christina Pratt, Nan Moss, David Corbin, Uncle Angaangao, Ailo Gaup, and indigenous shamans of Nepal, and North and South America. He also has studied ecstatic dances and movement with Gabrielle Roth, Emilie Conrad, and Alessandra Belloni; t’ai chi and qigong with Sharon Smith, Juan Li , and Mantak Chia; and Vipassana Meditation with the Insight Meditation Society. Tony has taught Shamanism classes at LaGuardia Community College/CUNY, The Open Center, Journeys to the Soul, Spirit Hollow, Kirkridge, Easton Mountain, Menla House, Dawn Manor, SFR Soul Haven, and the Shantigar Foundation.

A participant of indigenous Sacred Dances throughout the United States, and a Grail Reiki Master, Tony is a graduate of Sandra Ingerman’s Teacher Training Program, member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Society of Shamanic Practices (SSP),, and serves as a SSP Shamanism Without Borders Community Leader. He co-hosted the 2019 "Myths and Mysteries of Sicily: As Above - So Below” tour with Allison Scola, owner/curator of Experience Sicily. In 2014, he walked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela across northern Spain. Since 2007, Tony has hosted a monthly Shamanism Drum Circle in Greenwich Village where he lives, conducts classes, and sees clients.

About Dominic Vine of the Owls


Dominic Vine of the Owls has practiced in various traditions and medicines since his youth. He began his path in Taoism at age 15, his path of yoga and meditation at age 18 and his path of Shamanism at age 19. Until his mid-thirties he mostly followed his own intuition and direct revelation. In recent years, he has engaged in formal trainings and many retreats of formal practice. He spent twelve years of his youth traveling the world, from living in communes of study to roaming cities seeking meaning. After a decade of living in New York City, where he taught a weekly class of yoga and qigong, he has returned to his life of travel, including a 600-mile walk across Spain on pilgrimage and sitting for more than three months in a silent meditation retreat. Dominic recently completed a certification residency in Thailand in the Universal Healing Tao system by Mantak Chia. Through his practice with individuals and classes, in person and remotely, Dominic brings a passion for helping people be more free through sharing his teaching and his unique style of massage.

(413) 339-4332

63 Davenport Road, Rowe, Massachusetts 01367, USA

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